2 Vital Reminders to Rock Mom Life

I’m sending you all the love, light, reminders and a quick little mom pep talk during this busy season of life. I’m giving you the love and reminders that I need on a daily basis. Time for some real mom talk! 

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Financial Wellness – it’s not a destination. It’s a journey. It’s constant recalibration and making adjustments along the way to help you to build financial resilience so that you can, even when life throws you curveballs, because we both know it will, maintain financial equilibrium. Financial wellness serves to stabilize your financial situation so that you can the options, the tools, and the ability to create a stable, so much as you can in this crazy world we live in, healthy and successful life, however it is that you choose to define that success.

Your Framework For Financial Wellness


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ITUNES | SPOTIFY | STITCHER MOTHERHOOD SHOULD COME WITH WARNING LABELS Have you ever felt like becoming a parent should come with an instruction manual? Like there should be a test they make you take before leaving the hospital to make sure that you, you know, have a clue? Know what to do? Are somehow, even the tiniest bit […]

4 Warning Labels for Moms


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ITUNES | SPOTIFY | STITCHER MOTHERHOOD SHOULD COME WITH WARNING LABELS Have you ever felt like becoming a parent should come with an instruction manual? Like there should be a test they make you take before leaving the hospital to make sure that you, you know, have a clue? Know what to do? Are somehow, even the tiniest bit […]

4 Warning Labels for Moms


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If you want to get out of debt and “be better” with money, this episode of Fulfilled – The Podcast is for you. Allie, The Debt Free Nurse shares her journey to paying off $15k in credit cards and $46k in student loans! She worked *smarter* not harder and spent time and money on the things she loved.

An Abundant Resource – Mindset, Manifesting and Math with Allie, The Debt Free Nurse


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If you have gotten out of your groove and fallen into a slump, but you’re looking to establish or re-establish energizing routines and rituals… hit play! Regardless of what habit you’re aiming for, it’s about celebrating progress, breaking it down and taking it one step at a time. This episode is short, sweet, and chalk full of tangible tips!

9 Steps to Get Your Groove Back


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If you have gotten out of your groove and fallen into a slump, but you’re looking to establish or re-establish energizing routines and rituals… hit play! Regardless of what habit you’re aiming for, it’s about celebrating progress, breaking it down and taking it one step at a time. This episode is short, sweet, and chalk full of tangible tips!

9 Steps to Get Your Groove Back


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During this chat with mindset coach Sam Kellgren we dive into living in alignment, releasing control, & debunking and identifying limiting beliefs to build more peace and more flow in life.

How to Create Alignment and Flow with Samantha Kellgren of Simply Well Coaching


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If you have a pelvic floor, you should have an evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist. They are a unique subset of physical therapists trained to care for the sling of muscles that is the bottom of your pelvis from your pelvis to your tailbone. It’s responsible for supporting all of your organs, your ability to have core strength, for voiding and bowel movements, sex and so much more! Julie shares about Pelvic Floor health and the role of Pelvic Floor PT in that health.

Incontinence, Prolapse and Pelvic Floor PT with Julie Spencer, PT


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If you have a pelvic floor, you should have an evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist. They are a unique subset of physical therapists trained to care for the sling of muscles that is the bottom of your pelvis from your pelvis to your tailbone. It’s responsible for supporting all of your organs, your ability to have core strength, for voiding and bowel movements, sex and so much more! Julie shares about Pelvic Floor health and the role of Pelvic Floor PT in that health.

Incontinence, Prolapse and Pelvic Floor PT with Julie Spencer, PT


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I felt like my perspective, compassion, and understanding of maternal mental health was transformed by this conversation. Kristen Garzone is a self-proclaimed maternal mental health warrior who spends her life running, living, and navigating life with anxiety and depression. She shares her life, highs, lows, and honest truths on her instagram profile @mellank in a raw, real, and encouraging way that is transforming the lives of her followers!
Trigger warning: discussion of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and suicide

A Deep Dive into Anxiety, Depression, & Vulnerability with Kristen Garzone


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Finances are intimate, personal, and specific to your life. Creating traction in this area of life comes from living in alignment with your values, ditching comparison, and figuring out your why.

The “Personal” Part of Your Personal Finances


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Finances are intimate, personal, and specific to your life. Creating traction in this area of life comes from living in alignment with your values, ditching comparison, and figuring out your why.

The “Personal” Part of Your Personal Finances


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There are 4 Ways to Learn How to Earn More as a PA. Which one is right for you?