It doesn't have to feel like this.

You don't have to stay stuck in that job that doesn't pay you enough. You don't have to keep feeling overworked, underpaid, spread too thin at work and live in world where your admin team simply doesn't understand the value you add. Stop earning less than you deserve and start earning a paycheck you are proud of. 

The paycheck you actually want to earn. The schedule you've always dreamt of. The one with enough money to support your lifestyle AND abundant time and energy. The compensation package that acknowledges your value and the incredible care you take of patients. A life and career where you work less and earn more is possible. It exists on the other side of skillful, confident negotiation.

Clinicians, let me get your attention real quick...

It doesn't have to feel like this.

You don't have to stay stuck in that job that doesn't pay you enough. You don't have to keeping feeling overworked, underpaid, spread too thin at work and live in world where your admin team simply doesn't understand the value you add. Stop earning less than you deserve and start earning a paycheck you are proud of. 

The paycheck you actually want to earn. The schedule you've always dreamt of. The one with enough money to support your lifestyle AND abundant time and energy. The compensation package that acknowledges your value and the incredible care you take of patients. A life and career where you work less and earn more is possible. It exists on the other side of skillful, confident negotiation.

Clinicians, let me get your attention real quick...

Getting clear on what you want is the first step to preparing for an effective negotiation. You've got to know where you are and clearly define what you want the admin team to say "YES" to. Is it a better, beefier paycheck? A better schedule? Dedicated admin time? Enough clinical support staff? Another team member? We will get crystal clear about what to ask for. 

What to Ask For

How to Ask For It

Because knowing what you want doesn't actually help you get that YES. Strategy is the key to confident negotiation. You'll learn how to ask for what you want -- specific strategies, scripting, phrases and approaches to your negotiation. 

what you'll learn From Your Negotiation Call: 

Why You Deserve More

A loving reminder about the incredible provider and clinician that you are. You are accidentally undervaluing yourself because you are great at what you do & you see the perks of the job, but it no longer challenges you. Your call with remind you of the reasons that you deserve that paycheck, schedule and admin time.

Lindsey and her team of incredible, productive and competent providers booked a group negotiation call when their practice changed hands. This purchase resulted in a change in their contracts, suggesting a decrease in the base salary and eliminating productivity-based-compensation.

We worked on a strategy to ask for a more generous base – one that each of them would be happy with and could live on, even if next year was their worst revenue year ever and then set about the task of tackling a productivity bonus that benefited both the practice and the providers. 

Lindsey’s return on investment for this call? More than 250x in the end-of-the-year bonus alone!

"Our practice now pays me for the cases I scrub, the patients I see, and the actual work that I do!"

Finally landed a productivity raise that reflected all the work she's doing.


Her team was in turmoil. Providers were quitting left and right and the remaining providers were being crushed under piles of work. More patients. More call days. More visits. But not more pay. 

After her negotiation call, Anne was relentless in her approach to earning what she deserved. The outcome? A $7,500 retention bonus, a 13% raise (from a salary of $110k to $125k) AND a drop from 1.0 to 0.8 FTE with dedicated admin time. Anne now has time to see patients, get charts and in basket handled & get home on time to their family. This change to a 0.8 FTE brought another day they can be home with their kiddos, the true priority here!

"I finally earn what I deserve!"


Got paid to stay, landed
admin time & earned a raise!

After working as a Physical Therapist for years & having her corporate healthcare administrator ask her to see more patients, to start earlier, to work later, to work through her lunch Erika had had enough. It was time to follow her passion and join a practice that supported her patient-centered approach. Erika resigned & joined a local holistic patient-centered practice where she is thriving!

"I went from corporate healthcare counting all my patients (and all my RVUs) to working at a practice that I'm on fire for."

Quit her soul-sucking corporate healthcare gig to pursue her dreams!


Yes, Skillful Negotiation Really Does Work!

I'm Tracy Bingaman

Allow me to introduce myself… I’m a physician associate, burnout survivor, self-education master, podcast loving (and hosting), evidence-based medicine and healing lover, self-care advocate, curious-as-can-be investigator, leopard-loving, healthcare mentoring momma. 

I'm on a mission to help providers earn more money, work less hours and have a better life... because every clinician deserves to be handsomely compensated for their skills, knowledge, and the care they provide their patients.

I burned out (big time), quit my job, and now I teach other clinicians how to recover from burnout, negotiate effectively, earn what they are worth, and understand how to build clear, enforceable boundaries. 

Spoiler alert: I don’t believe there are truly any secrets to negotiating strategically and effectively. Earning what you're worth isn't one size fits all. I believe in preparation, planning and doing your best.

hey there,

Today, I teach healthcare providers just like you how to do the same.