Working PA Mom Tara Bouchard shares her story of how, after selling everything, including her home, she turned her dream of living at the beach into a reality.
Working as a Mom in Medicine is hard. Working motherhood is hard. Work-life balance is elusive and sometimes, in order to achieve some semblance of balance, you need to leave your job!
Finding time to take care of yourself, struggling with Mom Guilt, and making space to take care of yourself, putting your own oxygen mask on first is a challenge as a Mom in Healthcare!
Finding time to take care of yourself, struggling with Mom Guilt, and making space to take care of yourself, putting your own oxygen mask on first is a challenge as a Mom in Healthcare!
Motherhood is stressful, overwhelming and so freaking busy! Working motherhood adds another layer of complexity. Throw in being a Mom in Medicine. Phew! Work-life balance can be so elusive. Listen here to discover how to attain it!
Diving into holiday traditions – when to keep them, when to say goodbye to toxic relationships and traditions that aren’t serving you. Remembering the reason for the season and circling back to your presence being more important than presents!
Diving into holiday traditions – when to keep them, when to say goodbye to toxic relationships and traditions that aren’t serving you. Remembering the reason for the season and circling back to your presence being more important than presents!
Working motherhood is hard. Add in the schedule of a surgeon and the unpredictability of the practice and – whoa!