5 Essential Questions Unicorn PAs Are Asking Themselves & Others

In order to restore humanity back into healthcare, we need to work on connecting with ourselves and others. The 5 questions you should be asking yourself as a physician assistant and your PA colleagues to deepen that connection.

Connection is a powerful thing – connecting to our inner knowing and those in our lives and these questions are designed to do just that. Learn the power of introspection and connection in medicine.

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Meet Brie Marks Brie is a PA, wife, mom to 2 kids, martial artist, musician, and my personal friend. We met at the DeSales PA Program when we were both in PA school. I’m honored to share her story today!  Listen Here APPLE PODCASTS | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Watch on YouTube Brie had always thought […]

You Are More Than a PA; You Are a Person

Unicorn PAs

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How do you know when it’s time to tough it out or to quit your job? Do you trust your logic or intuition to help you make career-changing decisions?

How to use logic, a step-wise process to evaluate the pros and cons of quitting vs. staying in your job and an important reminder to tune in to that whisper of intuition when you are considering making a job change.

When to Quit Your Job

PA Profession

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How do you know when it’s time to tough it out or to quit your job? Do you trust your logic or intuition to help you make career-changing decisions?

How to use logic, a step-wise process to evaluate the pros and cons of quitting vs. staying in your job and an important reminder to tune in to that whisper of intuition when you are considering making a job change.

When to Quit Your Job

PA Profession

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7 techniques to complete the stress cycle. Unpack the stressors, what the stress cycle is and how to stop getting stuck in your stress cycle.

How Do You Complete the Stress Cycle? 7 Things to Try


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Mentorship and leadership are important pieces of a career in medicine. Here’s how to thrive in surgery as a PA.

How to Thrive as a Surgery PA Without Sacrificing Yourself


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Mentorship and leadership are important pieces of a career in medicine. Here’s how to thrive in surgery as a PA.

How to Thrive as a Surgery PA Without Sacrificing Yourself


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Healthcare burnout affects more than 60% of current healthcare workers. Physician associates are no exception to that statistic. Today on The PA Is In I’m sharing my specific physical symptoms, the turning point that led me to quit my job as a PA, and my experience with wholeness and healing as a PA and as a person.

My Journey with Burnout


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tracy bingaman - the pa is in - podcast for pas - nurse practitioner - physician associate

In many areas of medicine, nurse practitioners practice alongside physician associates and physicians, are a vital member of the team, and play a similar role as PAs in the care of their patients. So, as PAs, should we feel threatened by NPs?

Should PAs feel threatened by NPs?

PA Profession

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tracy bingaman - the pa is in - podcast for pas - nurse practitioner - physician associate

In many areas of medicine, nurse practitioners practice alongside physician associates and physicians, are a vital member of the team, and play a similar role as PAs in the care of their patients. So, as PAs, should we feel threatened by NPs?

Should PAs feel threatened by NPs?

PA Profession

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When I tell you about this secret weapon that I’ve been using in my career, that has landed me jobs, founded friendships and created connections, I mean it! I can’t keep something this good a secret, so I’m sharing all about networking on today’s episode of The PA Is In.

Networking 101: The Secret Weapon of Strategic Career Moves


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It’s awesome if healthcare is your calling, your passion, your profession and something you feel drawn to, but hopefully you can have some passions and pursuits outside of the healthcare realm as well.

Don’t Make This Mistake in Your PA Career


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It’s awesome if healthcare is your calling, your passion, your profession and something you feel drawn to, but hopefully you can have some passions and pursuits outside of the healthcare realm as well.

Don’t Make This Mistake in Your PA Career


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There are 4 Ways to Learn How to Earn More as a PA. Which one is right for you?

Download the 5 Mistakes Guide

Wondering what mistakes providers make ? Learn The PA-Pay Framework at home, at work, or on the go with this downloadable PDF of The PA-Pay Framework.

In this free guide, Tracy Bingaman will show you how the evidence based steps used in FBI negotiations to craft your power pitch. In this guide, you'll learn the 6-part framework that will help you prove your value and land the biggest raise of your career. 


Get The Guide

Perfect for: Anyone new to The PA-Pay Framework who wants to learn the formulas that have been working (in FBI hostage negotiations and meeting rooms) for decades

Listen to The PA Is In Podcast

Are you a PA who wants to make more money? We teach PAs to make more money and help them achieve "work optional" financial independence. More than 40,000 PAs are scaling their PA Income, no side hustle required.

Are you searching for a Unicorn Job as a PA?
You'll walk away from each episode with tangible income earning tips and understand how to land the juiciest raise of your career. 


Listen To the Show

Perfect for: The PA who is sick and tired of being underpaid and under appreciated at work who wants to land that mega raise.

Take the PA Personality Quiz

Want to discover your PA personality type?Take The Quiz and learn how you work and what your default reactions are as a PA.

You'll get an email from Tracy walking you through the next step in your journey to making more money than you've ever made as a PA.

With this evidence-based assessment of your personality you'll feel confident going forward (plus it's fun!)


Take The Quiz

Perfect for: Anyone wanting to know a *little* more about their personality as they navigate what's next. 

Book a Private Pay Raise Call

Do you need to pitch that raise ASAP and feel great about your supercharged income? With a Private Pay Raise Call, you will get to work directly with Tracy for an hour. These calls can be done on the phone or on Zoom and will be the best 1-on-1 negotiation training you've ever had.

If you feel it's been way too long since your last raise and your income isn't keeping pace with inflation, you'll understand your next step after this 1-hour call. 


Book A Call 

Perfect for: Any provider who is sick and tired of waiting on their employer to realize how valuable they are and pay them for their skills and experience. 

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