PA Performance Reviews – How to Leverage Positive & Cope with Negative

It’s that time of the year again: Performance Review time – and it’s time to use these performance reviews to advance your career, increase your income and improve your quality of life.

Negative reviews in the past? We will dive into tangible strategies for the three steps you need to take after a negative review and I’m sharing how to make yourself feel like a badass PA, even in the wake of a not-so-hot performance eval.

In this episode, I’ll tell you about my own struggles with negative reviews, negative self-talk and the practice that I created to overcome these hurdles. I’m even sharing some behind-the-scenes personal reviews – the check in that you need on your calendar for yourself, your personal development and the key relationships in your life.

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As a healthcare provide we play a key role in society, and we can impact the world more broadly through writing and publication as PAs. Writing it a tool for education and amplification and as a profession we are underutilizing it.

How Writing & Publication Can Advance Your Career as a PA with Harrison Reed, PA-C


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A Unicorn PA – that rare, elusive, mythical creature that is hard to find – a PA who loves their job and has a great quality of life, it sounds too good to be true. In fact, it’s not too good to be true. 

What is a Unicorn PA?


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A Unicorn PA – that rare, elusive, mythical creature that is hard to find – a PA who loves their job and has a great quality of life, it sounds too good to be true. In fact, it’s not too good to be true. 

What is a Unicorn PA?


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It’s been a wild ride. A full time Physician Assistant, part time astronaut, Hayley Arceneaux survived pediatric bone cancer to go on to launch into her career as a PA-C and launch into outer space on Inspiration4, the first all civilian mission into outer space!

Wild Ride with Hayley Arceneaux


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Unpacking how being a Mom can sometimes come along with the expectation that our children are the main character in our story. I’m sharing the story of how my Mom has always been the main character in her story, how she has lived a life free of mom guilt and full of joy, hobbies, and pursuing her own happiness. If you’ve been running to soccer, karate, dance class and spanish class but can’t remember the last time you did something “just” for you, mom, this episode is for you!

Main Character Vibes for Busy Moms


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Unpacking how being a Mom can sometimes come along with the expectation that our children are the main character in our story. I’m sharing the story of how my Mom has always been the main character in her story, how she has lived a life free of mom guilt and full of joy, hobbies, and pursuing her own happiness. If you’ve been running to soccer, karate, dance class and spanish class but can’t remember the last time you did something “just” for you, mom, this episode is for you!

Main Character Vibes for Busy Moms


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Overwhelm, in the oxford english dictionary is defined as: bury or drown beneath a huge mass. Whew. What a heavy word. What a heavy feeling. What a common thing for working moms to be walking around, carrying. The weight of the mental load of running a household. The stress of the schedule. The worries about your marriage, your job, your kiddos. Those things can feel incredibly heavy – honestly even one of those things might feel heavy enough to overwhelm you completely… and then you add on more and more things. 

Unpacking Overwhelm as a Busy Mom


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Answering a working mom listener question today about finding fulfillment outside of work. Sometimes your job, career, or current position isn’t filling your cup of fulfillment. Things aren’t flowing from work, so how can you generate fulfillment, create balance and feel happy, even if work isn’t going *great* right now. Press play for some practical tips to cultivate fulfillment in your life.

Find Fulfillment Outside of Work


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Answering a working mom listener question today about finding fulfillment outside of work. Sometimes your job, career, or current position isn’t filling your cup of fulfillment. Things aren’t flowing from work, so how can you generate fulfillment, create balance and feel happy, even if work isn’t going *great* right now. Press play for some practical tips to cultivate fulfillment in your life.

Find Fulfillment Outside of Work


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We are unpacking job dissatisfaction – that feeling that what you are doing isn’t fulfilling you, doesn’t feel fun, and what to do about it. Times are a’changing and you want to do something that fulfills you. You want to love what you do, enjoy work, and leave feeling like you are making a difference in the world. You aren’t willing to just suck it up and keep doing something that is sucking your soul, your energy, and making your life feel unfulfilling.

What to do if you hate your job…


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Today I’m sharing 3 factors that every working mom should consider when choosing a life coach. You want to know, like, and trust your life coach. You want to choose a guide, mentor and friend who has your best interest at heart!

3 Factors to Consider when Choosing a Life Coach


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Today I’m sharing 3 factors that every working mom should consider when choosing a life coach. You want to know, like, and trust your life coach. You want to choose a guide, mentor and friend who has your best interest at heart!

3 Factors to Consider when Choosing a Life Coach


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There are 4 Ways to Learn How to Earn More as a PA. Which one is right for you?

Download the 5 Mistakes Guide

Wondering what mistakes providers make ? Learn The PA-Pay Framework at home, at work, or on the go with this downloadable PDF of The PA-Pay Framework.

In this free guide, Tracy Bingaman will show you how the evidence based steps used in FBI negotiations to craft your power pitch. In this guide, you'll learn the 6-part framework that will help you prove your value and land the biggest raise of your career. 


Get The Guide

Perfect for: Anyone new to The PA-Pay Framework who wants to learn the formulas that have been working (in FBI hostage negotiations and meeting rooms) for decades

Listen to The PA Is In Podcast

Are you a PA who wants to make more money? We teach PAs to make more money and help them achieve "work optional" financial independence. More than 40,000 PAs are scaling their PA Income, no side hustle required.

Are you searching for a Unicorn Job as a PA?
You'll walk away from each episode with tangible income earning tips and understand how to land the juiciest raise of your career. 


Listen To the Show

Perfect for: The PA who is sick and tired of being underpaid and under appreciated at work who wants to land that mega raise.

Take the PA Personality Quiz

Want to discover your PA personality type?Take The Quiz and learn how you work and what your default reactions are as a PA.

You'll get an email from Tracy walking you through the next step in your journey to making more money than you've ever made as a PA.

With this evidence-based assessment of your personality you'll feel confident going forward (plus it's fun!)


Take The Quiz

Perfect for: Anyone wanting to know a *little* more about their personality as they navigate what's next. 

Book a Private Pay Raise Call

Do you need to pitch that raise ASAP and feel great about your supercharged income? With a Private Pay Raise Call, you will get to work directly with Tracy for an hour. These calls can be done on the phone or on Zoom and will be the best 1-on-1 negotiation training you've ever had.

If you feel it's been way too long since your last raise and your income isn't keeping pace with inflation, you'll understand your next step after this 1-hour call. 


Book A Call 

Perfect for: Any provider who is sick and tired of waiting on their employer to realize how valuable they are and pay them for their skills and experience. 

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