Finding Your Place as a PA on the Medicine Couch

Hear from Michele Cambron, a PA and host of her own YouTube channel, The Medicine Couch, where she interviews other PAs and NPs in a variety of specialties.

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It’s that time of the year again: Performance Review time – and it’s time to use these performance reviews to advance your career, increase your income and improve your quality of life.

Negative reviews in the past? We will dive into tangible strategies for the three steps you need to take after a negative review and I’m sharing how to make yourself feel like a badass PA, even in the wake of a not-so-hot performance eval.

In this episode, I’ll tell you about my own struggles with negative reviews, negative self-talk and the practice that I created to overcome these hurdles. I’m even sharing some behind-the-scenes personal reviews – the check in that you need on your calendar for yourself, your personal development and the key relationships in your life.

PA Performance Reviews – How to Leverage Positive & Cope with Negative


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As a healthcare provide we play a key role in society, and we can impact the world more broadly through writing and publication as PAs. Writing it a tool for education and amplification and as a profession we are underutilizing it.

How Writing & Publication Can Advance Your Career as a PA with Harrison Reed, PA-C


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As a healthcare provide we play a key role in society, and we can impact the world more broadly through writing and publication as PAs. Writing it a tool for education and amplification and as a profession we are underutilizing it.

How Writing & Publication Can Advance Your Career as a PA with Harrison Reed, PA-C


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Unpacking how being a Mom can sometimes come along with the expectation that our children are the main character in our story. I’m sharing the story of how my Mom has always been the main character in her story, how she has lived a life free of mom guilt and full of joy, hobbies, and pursuing her own happiness. If you’ve been running to soccer, karate, dance class and spanish class but can’t remember the last time you did something “just” for you, mom, this episode is for you!

Main Character Vibes for Busy Moms


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What is a Life Coach, anyway? Ok – today we are going to do a little life coaching 1-on-1. If you’ve been seeing, hearing, curious and wondering about life coaching, this is the episode for you. First up – what is a life coach? According to a Life Coach is a type of wellness […]

Life Coaching 101


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What is a Life Coach, anyway? Ok – today we are going to do a little life coaching 1-on-1. If you’ve been seeing, hearing, curious and wondering about life coaching, this is the episode for you. First up – what is a life coach? According to a Life Coach is a type of wellness […]

Life Coaching 101


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Comparison is stealing your joy. Social media has opened a window into the lives of those we are judging – either we are judging them or we are judging ourselves against them. I’m sharing my deep, vulnerable story of insecurity and comparison and sharing tips on how to compare yourself less.

Comparison is Stealing Your Joy – How to Judge Yourself Less


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Surviving stretches of solo parenting. How to survive when your partner is traveling. I’m sharing my best tips to rock your next solo parenting stretch.

How to Survive that Solo Parenting Stretch


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Surviving stretches of solo parenting. How to survive when your partner is traveling. I’m sharing my best tips to rock your next solo parenting stretch.

How to Survive that Solo Parenting Stretch


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We both know you have too many things on your “to do list” so how about we work together to add a couple items onto your “to don’t list”. Here are 3 things moms should stop doing this year! ITUNES | SPOTIFY | STITCHER It’s a new year, a new day, a fresh start. I get it, it’s a […]

3 Things Moms Should STOP Doing


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I’m sharing with you what to do in the hard seasons. The times when situations are thrust upon us that we don’t want to navigate. The stretches of time when we feel like we are alone on this journey. Logically, you know it’s not true. You are not the only mom in the world to walk through this situation or similar. Heck, you aren’t even the only mom navigating it today. So why does it feel like you are the only one?

Here are a few things that helped me during this stretch of isolation. These tips could apply to quarantining with your kids, being home isolating like we were, moving to a new city, or really any time when you are feeling alone in this business that is raising tiny humans to become larger humans and going out into the world.

How to Tackle Isolating Seasons of Motherhood


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I’m sharing with you what to do in the hard seasons. The times when situations are thrust upon us that we don’t want to navigate. The stretches of time when we feel like we are alone on this journey. Logically, you know it’s not true. You are not the only mom in the world to walk through this situation or similar. Heck, you aren’t even the only mom navigating it today. So why does it feel like you are the only one?

Here are a few things that helped me during this stretch of isolation. These tips could apply to quarantining with your kids, being home isolating like we were, moving to a new city, or really any time when you are feeling alone in this business that is raising tiny humans to become larger humans and going out into the world.

How to Tackle Isolating Seasons of Motherhood


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There are 4 Ways to Learn How to Earn More as a PA. Which one is right for you?