Kimmery has always loved writing. In fact, she won the story writing contest in the first grade. She has always been a voracious reader and feels her life was profoundly improved by consuming fiction writing. Well into her career as an Emergency Medicine physician, Dr. Kimmery Martin chose to pursue this passion for fiction and decided to try her hand at fiction writing. She is now a renowned author in the medical fiction space and is celebrating the success of Doctors & Friends.
Doctors & Friends is a book that Kimmery conceived, pitched and by-and-large pitched BEFORE the pandemic. However, it highlights the journey of several female physicians, a tight-nit group of doctors who have been friends since medical school, as they navigate life, love and motherhood during a pandemic. Sound familiar?
Stepping out of medicine, especially as a specialist trained physician working in the Emergency Room, is a huge shift in our identity. As working women we tend to take on the role of what we do and this becomes intertwined with who we are. Dr. Kimmery Martin shares her experiences with stepping away from the ER during this particularly demanding season of living through a pandemic. This looks different for everyone but Kimmery grappled with that transition during this crazy time.
Self-proclaimed “hot flaming mess” of a mom, Kimmery shares her parenting philosophy which is a blend of laissez fair. She is diligent about transferring responsibility to her children. She wants them to feel the sting of controlled disappointment, of failing and of living with the consequences of their actions.