I bet you’re hungry for some peace in that busy mom soul of yours. It’s what you are craving after all the running, rushing, hustling and striving you’ve been doing lately.
It’s the reason that you opened this email. It’s that longing in you heart for less rushing and collapsing and more peace and quiet, more margin and more freaking rest.
So… you want to know the secret to feeling fulfilled, even with all the hats that you are wearing?
It’s simple. You start living in alignment with what matters most to you.
Sounds awesome, doesn’t it?
How do you get there, though?
Step 1 – Get clear on what matters most to you. If you can’t right now write down 4 of your most important deeply held values, pencil in time over your lunch break this week at work or while the kids are napping this weekend to revisit Your Core Value Curator.
Step 2 – Journal about what your life looks like – the ideal version of what things would be like if you are living into your most deeply held values. Write in sentences or bullets, be as clear and detailed as possible.
Go back and mark up your journal entry, circling and underlining things that speak to you or that show up multiple times.
Choose one thing you can do this week to move you towards that ideal life you are envisioning.
Step 3 – Schedule a check-in for 1 week from now. Put it into your calendar. Mark it down and set an alarm on your phone. Ask yourself the following questions:
- How do I feel? Aligned? Meh? Totally not in alignment?
- What values have I been living into well this week?
- What values haven’t been a priority this week?
- What is one change I can make this coming week to feel more in alignment?