Wild Ride with Hayley Arceneaux

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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Hayley Arceneaux is a PA-C, Astronaut & Pediatric Cancer Survivor


Wild Ride with Hayley Arceneaux

It’s been a wild ride. A full time Physician Assistant, part time astronaut, Hayley Arceneaux survived pediatric bone cancer to go on to launch into her career as a PA-C and launch into outer space on Inspiration4, the first all civilian mission into outer space, run by SpaceX. Hayley represented St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, the same place she was treated as a child with osteosarcoma. She’s the youngest American to go to space and the first with a prosthetic body part! 

All of this is being shared with the world in her book entitled Wild Ride: A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships. In the book and this episode of Fulfilled as a Mom, Hayley shares her truth, the struggles that came with cancer as a kid, changing her perspective on the earth after seeing it from above, and her passion for being an ambassador raising funds and awareness for pediatric cancer research and treatments. Press play for this incredible story of triumph, a reminder of why knowing what you value matters and a friendly chat with PA-C and astronaut Hayley Arceneaux. 

Say Yes

One key to having a life that you can look back on, as Hayley can at the ripe young age of thirty and say “Wow, it’s been a wild ride!” is to say YES when opportunities present themself. An important reminder to say YES to opportunities that align with your values as much as you can. Your adventure doesn’t have to be heading into outer space to orbit the earth for three days like Hayley’s adventure did, but you will have opportunities to try new things, head out on adventures, and spend quiet moments being present with your little ones. 

Overview Effect

The Overview Effect is this paradigm shift where your perspective changes, particularly about the Earth when you get to leave the Earth and see it from space. In Hayley’s experience she has experienced perspective shifts in being present in the journey instead of focusing on the destination. After seeing the world from space, being environmentally conscious about what she uses, reducing waste and being more intentional about what products she’s using has been another perspective change. The third shift that Hayley has experienced is this profound sense of gratitude, both from surviving pediatric cancer and also from being able to have this astounding experience of heading into outer space. 

When to Say No

Sometimes, even though those YES’s are important, we have to lean into self-preservation by saying no. Looking at an opportunity and asking yourself – is this what’s best for me and my family during this season. Hayley is actively pursuing the things that matter most to her, she knows what she values and is headed towards a life that is full of fulfilling activities and interactions. That sometimes means that when opportunities present themselves you get to hold them up against your core values and make a decision that’s in alignment with your values. 

Know Your Values

Knowing when to say YES emphatically and with gusto and when to say NO THANKS in life can be so hard. How do you know which things are worth your time, energy and money? You only have so much so how can you spend it wisely in alignment with what matters most to you?

Well first you need to know what matters most to you! Here is my process for identifying your core values and here is the best way to budget your money in alignment with those values. Guard your time, money and energy and be intentional about the way you spend these precious resources, my friend!

Limiting Beliefs

Hayley shares that she was scared, really scared, about what would happen to her internal prosthesis on this wild ride out of this world. On the show she unpacks some of those limiting beliefs – the thoughts that you’ve thought for so long you believe them to be true – and that they truly were holding her back from reaching her full potential. Can you, too identify what those beliefs are, so that you can question whether that’s true? What would happen if you tried the thing? What would happen if you took that step? You might just discover, like Hayley did in space, that you can do things beyond your wilder dreams. 

Beacon of Hope

Hayley’s life mission is to serve as a beacon of hope for those with pediatric cancer and really anyone who is facing adversity, trials and times of hardship in their life. She loudly proclaims that if SHE can go to OUTER SPACE, that YOU can do ANYTHING that you can dream of (and probably so much more). Tune in to Fulfilled as a Mom on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify or on YouTube!

You don’t have to go to outer space or survive pediatric cancer to serve as a beacon of hope to those around you. You can embody hope in the way you treat a stranger on the street. In the way you show up for your kids and your work you can lean into your strengths and share positivity!

Read Wild Ride, the Book

Find Hayley’s Book: Wild Ride — A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships on Amazon or wherever books are sold.

Wild Ride - A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships. IV Drips. Hayley Arceneaux.

How to Live Your Own Wild Ride

Remember that one time that I burned out… like *all* the way out. Like toast that you popped into the toaster, not realizing the knob was set to DARKEST and walked away from level of burned out. In that season I was forced to choose between my health, my marriage and my ability to be a mom… and my job. I quit. The reason that I was able to quit was because we had become debt free and created financial margin in our lives before that season of burnout came along. I want the same to be true for you in the future… which means starting on your journey to financial independence NOW. I put together the 5 Keys that you need to know in order to create a life of financial independence. Download your guide here.


I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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