Hey, friend! I’m so glad you’re here… Your future self & I were hoping you’d take this journey to become Fulfilled as a Mother!
You see while most moms are driving their mini vans in the mediocre middle of mom life you’re working to create a life where you thrive as a mother and that’s not always an easy thing.
Seriously, have you ever wondered how to go from feeling all wishy washy, stuck in the messy middle without knowing how to get out? And being intentional about where you are going?
This formula – it’s the roadmap from just barely surviving as the busy working mom that you are to thriving, but first…
…you’re probably wondering why you should listen to me at all when it comes to rocking motherhood and I absolutely like your style… so here’s why…
After working myself to the bone in a toxic job where I didn’t have healthy boundaries, support and was working for an organization that didn’t value me as a human being.. I ended up in bed with pneumonia & then I developed autoimmune hyperthyroidism to prove it. Unfortunately, it took me getting really sick, like my heart beating 200 beats in a minute, sick and super symptomatic to realize there was more to life than external trappings of success and 60-hour work weeks.
You see I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge – I was the hard-driving high-achieving woman who exclaimed “try me!” in the face of adversity. I was wired for achievement but, despite all of the success I’d had in work, in my personal life and even back in school… all of a sudden, I was struggling… with motherhood, of all things.
Like, wasn’t motherhood supposed to be the most natural thing ever? Wasn’t this something that women had literally been doing for millenia? The most basic biological role I was born to play?
And the worst part was… it wasn’t that I hated my job or despised my family. I actually loved what I was doing and my family – I adored them. I was simply trying to find that unicorn of work-life balance … at least once a week on my commute I exclaimed to myself, or at work, or at home… to anyone that would listen “I can’t keep going like this!” (Usually punctuated by a generous slap of the steering wheel for good measure.)
But it wasn’t until I identified my Core Values that things started turning around.
If you didn’t get your copy yet, you’re going to want to press pause and go download Your Core Value Curator . In it, you’ll discover the formula for a fulfilled life – spoiler alert – it’s discovering what matters most to you and then living out those deeply held values.
These values extend into every area of your life – how you spend your time and fill your schedule – how you spend your money and what you choose to add to your wardrobe, pantry, and home – and how you connect with and interact with those you love.
Play close attention to the part where you Personalize your Core Values to carry weight and apply specifically to the season and situation of your life – it’s critical in integrating your core values to serve as a compass for charting your course to fulfillment without abandoning your job, life and family and starting over from scratch!
Since my walk through burnout and subsequent recovery, I’ve made it my mission to figure out how to slay working motherhood, build boundaries, break down limiting beliefs and teach other moms to do the same. I’m over here trying new things, teaching you what works, what doesn’t work… my life is one big science experiment and I’m showing up here to share my experiences, failures and triumphs with you!
My life looks radically different these days. What’s different?
- I’m more calm, centered and at peace.
- I know what I value and work to live into those values daily.
- I’m more present, less scattered & a better version of me.
- I’ve stopped feeling guilty, beating myself up, and second guessing my every move.
- I still don’t shave my legs everyday and lose my shit on my kids from time-to-time but by-and-large, I’m a less stressed, more sane, generally healthier, happier & on average more pleasant version of me.
And I want the same for you!
So I’ll be showing up here to help you to create the life of your dreams (no nightmares allowed) without going on an eat/pray/love transatlantic adventure because… well, someone has soccer practice.
I’m so glad you’re here to learn how to master your money, own your time, and become the mom with all the margin – because you, my love, deserve all of that and more!