Healthcare providers in every field have patients with mental health disorders and often don’t know the best way to treat them or best place to refer. As providers, we want to be able to provide the best possible care to our patients. But where do we turn?
From obtaining leadership roles as a PA to becoming more efficient at EMR charting to prioritizing your mental well-being, we have it all covered in this episode of The PA Is In! Join me as I dive deep into conversation with Don Martinez, PA-C on a wide variety of important and meaningful topics. Don is […]
I felt like my perspective, compassion, and understanding of maternal mental health was transformed by this conversation. Kristen Garzone is a self-proclaimed maternal mental health warrior who spends her life running, living, and navigating life with anxiety and depression. She shares her life, highs, lows, and honest truths on her instagram profile @mellank in a raw, real, and encouraging way that is transforming the lives of her followers!
Trigger warning: discussion of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and suicide
I felt like my perspective, compassion, and understanding of maternal mental health was transformed by this conversation. Kristen Garzone is a self-proclaimed maternal mental health warrior who spends her life running, living, and navigating life with anxiety and depression. She shares her life, highs, lows, and honest truths on her instagram profile @mellank in a raw, real, and encouraging way that is transforming the lives of her followers!
Trigger warning: discussion of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and suicide