Death and Dying – Pearls from a Palliative Care PA

Talking about death and dying can be awkward, uncomfortable, and even scary. Tracey Piparo found her dream Unicorn Job as a Palliative Care PA, and she’s here to teach us how to talk about death with not only our patients, but also our own families. Tracey shares many clinical pearls that every healthcare provider, regardless of specialty, can use in their practice to normalize the conversation around death.

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Do you feel frustrated by our current healthcare system and how it focuses more on sick patients than on keeping patients healthy? Do you spend most of your time as a Primary Care PA completing insurance prior authorizations and fighting what seems like a never-ending battle to actually care for your patients? PA Julia Harris, who is here to explain all about the Direct Primary Care model of healthcare. Julia can focus on what really matters in medicine and why she became a PA in the first place – helping patients become the healthiest versions of themselves.

Direct Primary Care – The Future of Healthcare?

Unicorn PAs

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Critical care. ICU. Acute care. internal medicine stepdown. Night shift

Sarah Miller is a mom critical care PA. She made changes to her job she never thought she would make, but never say never!

Never Say Never: The Journey of a Critical Care PA


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Critical care. ICU. Acute care. internal medicine stepdown. Night shift

Sarah Miller is a mom critical care PA. She made changes to her job she never thought she would make, but never say never!

Never Say Never: The Journey of a Critical Care PA


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7 techniques to complete the stress cycle. Unpack the stressors, what the stress cycle is and how to stop getting stuck in your stress cycle.

How Do You Complete the Stress Cycle? 7 Things to Try


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Aesthetics – botox, neuromodulators, hyaluronic acid fillers, biostimulators, thread lifts and more. I’m sharing what it looks like to live a day in the life as an Aesthetics PA.

My transition from traditional medicine into aesthetics came along with needing to reconcile my identity and separating who I am from what I do. I’ll unpack my favorite parts about my position in aesthetics as a Physician Associate.

A Day in the Life of an Aesthetics PA


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Aesthetics – botox, neuromodulators, hyaluronic acid fillers, biostimulators, thread lifts and more. I’m sharing what it looks like to live a day in the life as an Aesthetics PA.

My transition from traditional medicine into aesthetics came along with needing to reconcile my identity and separating who I am from what I do. I’ll unpack my favorite parts about my position in aesthetics as a Physician Associate.

A Day in the Life of an Aesthetics PA


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We are unpacking job dissatisfaction – that feeling that what you are doing isn’t fulfilling you, doesn’t feel fun, and what to do about it. Times are a’changing and you want to do something that fulfills you. You want to love what you do, enjoy work, and leave feeling like you are making a difference in the world. You aren’t willing to just suck it up and keep doing something that is sucking your soul, your energy, and making your life feel unfulfilling.

What to do if you hate your job…


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There is so much misinformation about working mom life floating around… how do you know what’s the truth? Today we are busting these common myths about modern working motherhood and sharing what is the truth instead.

These LIES are so common, they run deep and they are spread wide. So much so that you may even believe them yourself.

10 Lies About Working Mom Life


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There is so much misinformation about working mom life floating around… how do you know what’s the truth? Today we are busting these common myths about modern working motherhood and sharing what is the truth instead.

These LIES are so common, they run deep and they are spread wide. So much so that you may even believe them yourself.

10 Lies About Working Mom Life


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Living in community with other like minded, diverse and supportive mommas, that’s the dream, right? Rocky Akavan is the queen of creating online communities that are just like that and she’s sharing all about one that’s about to make your life a whole lot more fun!

Find Your Tribe and Love Them Well with Raquelle Akavan, PA-C


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ITUNES | SPOTIFY | STITCHER If you are a human being, more specifically a mother, who has ever felt not good enough, smart enough, fun enough, together enough, beautiful enough or just not plain enough to be a “good mom”, this post and this podcast episode is for YOU! My guest is Katherine Wintsch, author of Slay Like A Mother and expert in […]

Slay Your Dragon of Self-Doubt with Katherine Wintsch


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ITUNES | SPOTIFY | STITCHER If you are a human being, more specifically a mother, who has ever felt not good enough, smart enough, fun enough, together enough, beautiful enough or just not plain enough to be a “good mom”, this post and this podcast episode is for YOU! My guest is Katherine Wintsch, author of Slay Like A Mother and expert in […]

Slay Your Dragon of Self-Doubt with Katherine Wintsch


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There are 4 Ways to Learn How to Earn More as a PA. Which one is right for you?

Download the 5 Mistakes Guide

Wondering what mistakes providers make ? Learn The PA-Pay Framework at home, at work, or on the go with this downloadable PDF of The PA-Pay Framework.

In this free guide, Tracy Bingaman will show you how the evidence based steps used in FBI negotiations to craft your power pitch. In this guide, you'll learn the 6-part framework that will help you prove your value and land the biggest raise of your career. 


Get The Guide

Perfect for: Anyone new to The PA-Pay Framework who wants to learn the formulas that have been working (in FBI hostage negotiations and meeting rooms) for decades

Listen to The PA Is In Podcast

Are you a PA who wants to make more money? We teach PAs to make more money and help them achieve "work optional" financial independence. More than 40,000 PAs are scaling their PA Income, no side hustle required.

Are you searching for a Unicorn Job as a PA?
You'll walk away from each episode with tangible income earning tips and understand how to land the juiciest raise of your career. 


Listen To the Show

Perfect for: The PA who is sick and tired of being underpaid and under appreciated at work who wants to land that mega raise.

Take the PA Personality Quiz

Want to discover your PA personality type?Take The Quiz and learn how you work and what your default reactions are as a PA.

You'll get an email from Tracy walking you through the next step in your journey to making more money than you've ever made as a PA.

With this evidence-based assessment of your personality you'll feel confident going forward (plus it's fun!)


Take The Quiz

Perfect for: Anyone wanting to know a *little* more about their personality as they navigate what's next. 

Book a Private Pay Raise Call

Do you need to pitch that raise ASAP and feel great about your supercharged income? With a Private Pay Raise Call, you will get to work directly with Tracy for an hour. These calls can be done on the phone or on Zoom and will be the best 1-on-1 negotiation training you've ever had.

If you feel it's been way too long since your last raise and your income isn't keeping pace with inflation, you'll understand your next step after this 1-hour call. 


Book A Call 

Perfect for: Any provider who is sick and tired of waiting on their employer to realize how valuable they are and pay them for their skills and experience. 

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