Answering a working mom listener question today about finding fulfillment outside of work. Sometimes your job, career, or current position isn’t filling your cup of fulfillment. Things aren’t flowing from work, so how can you generate fulfillment, create balance and feel happy, even if work isn’t going *great* right now. Press play for some practical tips to cultivate fulfillment in your life.
We are unpacking job dissatisfaction – that feeling that what you are doing isn’t fulfilling you, doesn’t feel fun, and what to do about it. Times are a’changing and you want to do something that fulfills you. You want to love what you do, enjoy work, and leave feeling like you are making a difference in the world. You aren’t willing to just suck it up and keep doing something that is sucking your soul, your energy, and making your life feel unfulfilling.
Sarah Parmer is the queen of thrifting sustainable second hand fashion for everyday moms like you. An RN turned stay-at-home and work-at-home mom, Sarah is a light, a joy, and a passionate momma. She’s sharing her heart for service, her humble mindset, and the gratitude she uses to get through each day. This conversation is as much about fashion, finances, thrifting and sourcing second hand finds as it is about adjusting your life to new circumstances, creating a space that allows you to grow and use your skills and abilities.
Sarah Parmer is the queen of thrifting sustainable second hand fashion for everyday moms like you. An RN turned stay-at-home and work-at-home mom, Sarah is a light, a joy, and a passionate momma. She’s sharing her heart for service, her humble mindset, and the gratitude she uses to get through each day. This conversation is as much about fashion, finances, thrifting and sourcing second hand finds as it is about adjusting your life to new circumstances, creating a space that allows you to grow and use your skills and abilities.
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