Free Resource Roundup

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

hey there,

Ready to Create a Life Worth Celebrating?

I'm talking joy every day, where work isn't a drag, you love what you do and earn what you're worth...

How to Identify Your Unique PA Strengths, Create a Life You Love, & Have Fun While You're at It!

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create the freedom of choice in your life


Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Physician Assistant (now Physician Associate) life, challenges, triumphs, and victory stories.

How to Assess Your Risk, Know Your Strengths, Build Boundaries and Understand Your Specific Burnout Risk!

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Positive Feedback on our Resource

A follower of mine messaged “Hi! I used some of your tactics to negotiate. I made some meaningful headway!” The most exciting part? She did it using only FREE RESOURCES, from our Decision Framework to the One Sheet, this listener didn’t spend a dime on coaching and got great results!

It just goes to show that if you invest your time, are committed to using the information you learn and have the right resources at your disposal, incredible things can happen.

She then goes on to tell me exactly what she negotiated for using these free resources:

  • One admin day a week FROM HOME.
  • Increased pay
  • Change in scope of practice- Clinic reduced to 75% and 25% clinical trials
  • A better schedule

Can we just take a moment to pause here and celebrated the volume and significance of those kind of wins in a conversation to adjust your compensation, the context of your role, and your schedule?

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Use Resources to Learn to Negotiate

If you want to be able to work from home and catch up on charting – learn to negotiate.

If you want to have a more flexible and accommodating schedule – learn how to negotiate!

If you are dying to do more research or launch a clinical improvement project or analyze data and improve the patient experience at your practice – learn how to negotiate!

If you want to take care of a particular subset of patients and have them on your schedule because truly you love taking care of them… but they are more complicated and time consuming, require longer visits and don’t generate as much revenue for the practice… you guessed it, learn how to negotiate, my friend! 

This person who messaged went on to thank me for episodes like this one, for sharing this information on negotiating and helping her to step into her confidence as she negotiated for these improvements at work. 

She was able to present her “case” in a clear, concise and non-emotionally driven manner which was, clearly, super effective!! 

A Little External Validation

Do you want to know what makes me the happiest about this review?

OK – you know when you change something at work or at home and YES, you are doing it because it’s the right thing to do and YES, you are doing it for yourself and the internal benefits and results… but also you are REALLY wanting someone else to notice and say “Hey, you… I see you doing the right thing, working hard, making changes and IT SHOWs?”

Oh yes, that external validation. All the gurus and healers will tell you to do the darn things because they make you feel good on the inside and serve the people, yada yada yada. And yes, that’s true…

But also it feels INCREDIBLE when you are doing the thing and someone says “I see you. Good job.”

This is what that message did for me. It patted me on the back virtually and reminded me that this podcast, this content, the free guides are making a difference. 

Also – this person who messaged me made these massive changes in her position using only free resources.

Yep – better schedule, more flexibility, adding research, work from home day, increased admin time, more pay – using FREE resources.

Your Free Resource Roundup

Let me tell you about some of these free things I’ve put together to help you on your journey to do the same:

  1. The Core Value Curator – Zooming way out and looking at your life it’s really hard to make changes at work that are in alignment with your values if you don’t know what your values are. Use the Core Value Curator to take the time to identify what matters most, what those deeply held things are in your life, so that you can be strategic about making changes in your life that align with and are not in opposition to your values.
  2. The Pay Raise Mistakes Cheat Sheet – the top 5 mistakes that PAs make when asking for a raise – how to avoid them – and what to do instead. https://www.Tracy
  3. The PA Pay One Sheet – The ONE sheet that you need to take with you to your next negotiation. It includes the steps to take, the information to gather and the strategies to use when you are sitting down to hammer out details or even having the preliminary conversation.

    Want to learn more about The PA Pay One Sheet Negotiation Framework? Check out this post here.
  4. The Decision Framework – deciding between two jobs or trying to figure out if it’s FOR SURE time for a new position? Use the Decision Framework to strategically weigh the pros and cons of staying vs. leaving or Job A vs. Job B.
  5. The Burnout Risk Assessment – You can find it at It’s a quick quiz that asks you how you feel about your current position and rates your current level of burnout risk. Are you low moderate or extreme when it comes to your burnout risk?
  6. The PA Personality Quiz – what type of PA are you? This one is more for fun but also offers you insight into some of your strengths and possible hangups in your personality. Head to for this quiz. At the end it gives you a PA catch phrase – the thing that, based on your personality results, you are likely to be saying throughout your days at work and at home. 

All of these resources that I’ve mentioned so far are designed for you and they are, in fact, completely free. Choose one or two that meet your needs during this seasons and bookmark this post to return for the others. This information is only helpful if you DO the activities and take action on the results!

Change is Scary

The reason this message from this dear, delightful, incredible listener brought me so much joy is that a few months back I decided to stop talking so much about non-specific challenges that working moms faced and narrow my scope of practice and the content that I share on this show — to PA specific content.

I was super scared because there are 24 Million working moms in the US and just under 170,000 PAs. Which meant that I was, instead of speaking to the masses about my experience as a stepmom and working mom of 5, decreasing the potential audience size for this show by a factor of more than 10.

But in that way it’s kind of like becoming a specialist, right. Instead of talking about ALL THE THINGS the all the women who work and have kids are facing I decided to focus on PA things.

More specifically boundaries and passion, burnout and thriving, self-care and moral injury. 

I want this show to serve as a beacon of hope for you that there is another way. That burning out and never feeling passionate again isn’t the only way. That there is a way to preserve your heart and soul, body and mind and still show up in the world as someone who works in medicine.

That medicine can be but a small part of who you are – that it is, in fact, what you do. That you are an entirely whole, formed, complete human being who happens to work in healthcare… not a healthcare worker who “oh, by the way” sometimes isn’t at work. 

Spread the Word

And guess what?! You are loving it.

You are sending me messages like that one that is life giving.

You are writing reviews – which if you haven’t already pause this episode, subscribe, leave a review, share a screen shot, text a friend – that old addage of word-of-mouth is the best form of advertising is SO true. Tell a friend. Heck, tell ALL of your friends about this PA specific show that you’ve been loving lately! 

You are subscribing to be sure that you don’t miss future episodes.

You are downloading the free resources listed above. You are using them to help you tackle the specific challenges ahead of you and answer your PA specific questions.

What Else?

But, what if you want more that this round up of exceptional free resources?

Well, I’ve got you covered there, too.

There are 2 ways to work with me as your coach, get personalized feedback and specific strategies and negotiating techniques to use in your situation.

  1. Negotiation Consult – For a quick decision breakdown or helping you to negotiate for more pay or a better bonus structure, there is a 1 hour call where we unpack your current situation, identify areas that you want to change most, and craft a strategic plan for what’s next. 
  2. 1-on-1 Coaching – best if you are burned out, in a season of turbulence at work, considering leaving clinical medicine, trying to recover or remove yourself form a toxic work environment. You want to make changes but need a strategic plan and someone to walk alongside you and help you find your way out of the mess and into a position where you can thrive. I work with clients for an average of 3-6 months. We meet weekly for 45-minutes to an hour.

1-on-1 Coaching

If you ever want to try 1-on-1 life or career coaching with Tracy, the process is simple. We have a quick thirty-minute consultation call in which we discuss your current level of burnout, what your career and personal goals are, and so on. Then we set a time for our weekly coaching calls. 1-on-1 coaching costs about $300 a month. Then, over the course of 3-6 months we create a strategic plan to diagnose the source of your burnout and work towards recovery. 

Life is too short to work in a career, job, and position where you don’t feel passion and purpose anymore. 

My clients gain clarity on their core values, learn how to build effective, enforceable boundaries and remember how to prioritize their own care, goals, and basic needs. With this simple, personalized process they learn to rekindle the flame of their passion and purpose in life and in medicine. I have time on my calendar to have our first (free) 30-minute consultation with you. Schedule your free consultation call here.

Negotiation Consult

You know how most PAs don’t graduate with skills in negotiation and therefore don’t feel they are being compensated at the top of the pay scale? During negotiation consults, I help PAs to gain those negotiation skills and strategies so that they can earn a paycheck they are proud of, regardless of location in the country or specialty that they work in.

If you ever want to find out what learning to negotiate is like, the process is simple. We set up an hour-long consultation in which we discuss your current compensation, what you are earning and what your career & income goals are. Together we put together a plan for the best way to approach your specific situation – what conversations to have and how to have those conversations. You walk away with a plan to increase the administrator’s awareness of the value you add to the practice and a resulting increase in your paycheck. 

These years you are in are the highest income earning potential years of your career. Not negotiating effectively and clearly means you are leaving tens of thousands of dollars of income in your employers pocket. That money should be in your bank account!

My negotiation coaching clients gain the skills to negotiate for new jobs in the future, but also to proactively use annual evaluations as opportunities to increase their income over time. 

You work hard and take incredible care of your patients. You should be paid accordingly & get a bonus based on what YOU are doing! Schedule your negotiation consult here.

The PA Is In Pep Talk

Whether you are struggling, your passion has fizzled and you’re looking for encouragement and guidance to get back on track, I’m here for you. 

If things are going well and you are looking for the tools to have healthy boundaries, avoid burnout and continue to thrive, I am here for you. 

This connection, albeit virtual, is real. I’m reaching out to give you the encouragement that the things that you are doing – they are working – those changes to improve your patient interactions and streamline your charting. Leaning into your relationships and being present. Making sure your basic needs are met – you’re killing it! 

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I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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