Blinded By Busy: Creating a Purposeful Vision For Your Life

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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I'm talking joy every day, where work isn't a drag, you love what you do and earn what you're worth...

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Cara Harvey is a recovering perfectionist who got caught in hustle culture and thought it was the only way to live. She describes herself as a teacher and then principal who hustled her way to become an accidental entrepreneur. After hustling herself nearly to death, burning out as a teacher she dove into network marketing. She had great success with a huge team, a 6-figure business and from the outside looking in all was well, but then she transitioned again into creating A Purpose Driven Mom. 


Ditching guilt and shame. Stop trying to do it all. Choose what matters most to you in this season of motherhood. Leave the rest behind. Cara now helps moms to live in alignment with their goals, see success without all that hustle, getting things done but avoiding burnout. 


Seasonal productivity is the teaching that Cara shares with busy working moms, entrepreneurial moms, moms with all the things juggling all the balls. There are four seasons she recommends: 

  • Season of Planning
  • Season of Planning
  • Season of Rest
  • Season of Fun

The best part? YOU get to decide your season, the duration and what mini seasons you include during that season. Inside these seasons you plan micro goals within the mini seasons. 

Cara describes how to break down the seasons into smaller seasons so you can plan what to do, go about this business of getting these things done, and the burnout prevention seasons: where you rest and have FUN! 

My dear reader, you do not have to earn your rest or earn your fun. You are worthy of resting, recharging and getting what you need into your day and in each season. You are worthy of joy, fun and laughter. Otherwise, you might find yourself chasing the next goal, the next goal, and missing the opportunity to savor those achievements and the great things that are happening in your life. 


Many moms are so freaking busy that we are living a life of default. This life, where you are trying to do it all, where you are rushing, feeling pressured, trying to keep up with what society demands of you, leads to guilt and burnout and resentment. Instead, intentionally planning a life of design puts you back in the drivers seat. You get to choose what you are going to do and leave the guilt and resentment in the rear view mirror! 


Getting clear on what matters most to you helps to inform those HECK YES and HELL NO responses so that you don’t have to question whether something is in alignment or not. To start living a purpose driven life full of what you love, download Your Core Value Curator today! Cara shares about redefining your priorities and how it’s vital in avoiding the Mommy Martyr trap. 


Creating blocks of time where you decide what area you are working on, you add three small tasks to that block. You get to see wins of the prioritized and most important tasks for each thing. This allows busy moms to laser focus on what really needs to get done and not get distracted by everything else and stay out of that distraction and procrastination trap. 


Leaving busy in the dust – can actually be scary because feeling like a busy working mom makes us feel connected with other moms. We worry about how we will fit in if we don’t have the exact same challenges as other moms who identify as busy as wear it like the latest and greatest athleisure top. 

Busy also keep us safe because when we say we are “busy” it protects us from trying to achieve our goals. If you don’t try you can’t fail so busy keeps you safe from failure, faltering or falling down and not achieving them. 


Cara’s manifesto to accomplish more, be highly productive, avoid hustle and burnout is called the 15 Minute Formula and you can find it wherever books are sold. The audiobook is coming soon & it’s the book that you are going to get your hands on and be inspired to take immediate action! 
Follow Cara Harvey and become a purpose driven mom HERE! Learn all the tips and productivity hacks here.

I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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