An Open Letter to Moms Everywhere

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to work-part time, build boundaries, start and scale business, because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

How to create time for all the things, people, hobbies and work you love.


Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

How to integrate work, love, life, and the pursuit of happiness into your busy day.


Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

Learn to own your finances & create choice in your life

How to lean into your strengths in the office and hospital.

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My dear listener – today is going to be a combination of mushy gushy thanks – because truly, I’m blown away that you are here, taking the precious minutes of your already too-full, jam-packed day to be here with me. I’m honored that you trust me enough to value these teachings, stories, guests and inspiration enough to have clicked FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE. If you are new here – welcome, welcome. Let’s pretend that you just got to my house for book club, clad in your best and most comfortable leggings. I’ve handed you a margarita on the rocks and we are settling in to talk about life and oh-by-the-way maybe the book we read this month. All are welcome – and yes, that includes you. 

Truly I believe in this universe there are no coincidences – God lead you to click play on this very episode this very day to hear these very words. If you are new – allow me to re-introduce myself.

I’m Tracy – I’m a multi-dimmensional fiercely passionate woman on a quest to make working motherhood easier for all the moms in the freaking world. I am married to the best human to ever grace the third base line of a kickball field – my confidant and partner – Dan. We met playing kickball and again in a coed volleyball league at the most unlikely time in my life. I was a 23-year-old graduate student with grand plans to move from Pennsylvania to Colorado – dreams of being an orthopedic surgery PA – gladly working weekends and fixing fractures because the shortest lines on the ski slope are weekday mornings, am I right? 

Dan asked me out and – jokes on me – after several refusals (I mean… an entirely bald but completely handsome divorced dad who was 13-years my senior was not what I was interested in… not to mention his two small, adorably toothless and exceptionally charming sons) I accepted his invitation to dinner. 

And by graciously accepted – I said, and I quote “You can take me to dinner, but don’t get attached, I’m not staying in Pennsylvania”. Famous. Last. Words. We will be married 10 years this next spring. 

I am a step mom to two awesome “big boys” who are now on the cusp or have already toppled over the hill into adulthood. I am a mother to three young and crazy kiddos of my own – yes, you did that math right – 5 kiddos from big to small, four boys and one single daughter, our youngest. 

I believe in the marrow of my bones that we are, each on our own, and collectively as as society making motherhood SO much harder than it needs to be. Like whyyyyy are we putting so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. No humans are perfect. Why do we think we are the exception? 

We are working like we don’t have kids and paying the price for it. We are raising our kids with the expectation that we show up in the same way that stay-at-home moms did in the 1940s, but we are working full time (if not more) hours. We are running ourselves ragged trying to be in all the places at once, but we are only one human. We are claiming to be and fooling ourselves into thinking that we are so progressive and yet – we are carrying the lions share of the mental load at home. We have unhealthy boundaries. We don’t take care of ourselves and then we walk around wondering why we feel so burned out, empty and exhausted. 

I know there has to be a better way – so I went about the business of finding one – my life is a sandbox of experiments designed to do just that – to try to find a way to work smarter, work less, rest more – achieve as much as always – slay at work – be present and compassionate at home – excel in all areas without feeling like perfection is the goal. This show, this episode, this platform and my teachings are the notebook of my experiments – written down, read, spread and shared with you in mind. 

I am SO far from perfect – so far from getting this right – so far from five stars and 10/10 perfect ratings if there were an app my kids could use to rate my performance day-by-day… but you know what? Perfection isn’t the goal. Grace is the goal. Contentment is the goal. Happiness is the goal. 

Being present and not so distracted by technology and so stressed and rushed to enjoy the moment – that’s the goal. 

Doing what you love with those you enjoy – that’s the goal.

Doing what you love without the people you love – learning what lights your fire, what makes you want to get up in the morning – and doing more of that – that’s the goal.

Taking intentional steps to slow down, savor fully and live richly – that’s the goal. 

So that’s me – I’m a mom, a wife, a PA, a dog mom, a stepmother, a lover of margaritas, good company, laughter, deep relationships and rest. I light up when I see you taking steps to make your life better and it’s my pleasure, my honor and my joy to walk alongside you in this thing called life. 

That’s the long-winded, liberally sprinkled with adjectives introduction to me and a little bit about why I’m showing up here to share all the the things that I teach on with you. 

And here… is my wish for you. My wish, my love, is for a live that is rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Rich in experiences.

Rich in relationships.

Rich in comfort.

Rich in adventure.

Rich in money.

Rich in smiles.

Rich in sticky hugs.

Rich in gratitude.

Rich in joy.

Rich in connection.

Rich in whatever way your heart desires. 

My wish is that you take the time to get clear on what matters most to you. That you really take a look inside yourself and decide to live into those values. 

Because I know that you are tired. I know that you are overwhelmed. I know that you are trying to do all the things, be all the places, and support all the people. And here’s the thing – taking a nap, or a break, or a breath – all of which you should absolutely be doing… it’s not going to make you feel less tired. 

Sleep doesn’t help when it’s your soul that’s tired. 

Rest doesn’t help when overscheduling is the problem. 

Here’s the way to create that rich life, the one that you are dreaming of – figure out what you value and live into those values. It’s active. It’s making choices every day that hold boundaries, create time for things and those you love, and then living into those choices. 

Fulfilled is defined as satisfied or happy because of fully developing one’s abilities or character. 

Here’s to a year of transformation. Here’s to living into your abilities. Here’s the whittling your character into something that you are so incredibly proud of. 

My wish for you is that you become…

Fulfilled as a Woman – first and foremost – because before you were someone’s something (like Colby’s Mom) you were someone – and you still are.

Fulfilled as a Wife or Partner – if you exist in this life in partnership, relationship, or you wish to be in relationship – because being one half of a whole that is supportive and loving where you can be authentically you is a whole lot of fun! 

Fulfilled Financially – because money is a tool that you can use to create that life of your dreams. It can help you to outsource things, to create and implement systems to preserve your time and protect your health and sanity! Owning your finances and becoming a wealthy woman isn’t just something that “would be nice” it’s your right and you are so worth it! 

Fulfilled as a Mother – because motherhood is this distraction that shows up in a blaze of crazy glory and it’s the gift that keeps on giving.. forever. Once you join this incredible club of mothers – you’re in for life. Honing your skills, protecting your peace and raising humans who become fulfilled as their own humans is the goal here! 

Fulfilled as a Professional – because working adds value and you rock at what you do! If you don’t love it – leave. If you wish you could be doing something more, different, less or other – do those things, lady! 

Fulfilled as a Dancer, Violinist, Cook, Decorator, Professional Organizer, Friend, Sister, Daughter – any of the hats that you wear, any of the things that you do – they are worth doing well and showing up as the best and most beautiful version of you! 

It may sound daunting but it’s not – it’s a mindset – it’s looking for opportunities to be happier, to be more you, to do things you love, to breathe into discomfort and to sit in silence – it’s all a part of this life and the first step is recognizing that… if you aren’t feeling particularly fulfilled in any or all of those areas – that you, my friend, have the power to change exactly that! 

I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA, skiing enthusiast, leopard-print lover, bright-lipstick-wearing badass, and a mom (to both kids and a pup).

I burned out working as a PA… BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income, cut my work hours in half, and built a life around what I value—not someone else’s schedule.

Now, I coach clinicians on how to go part-time, build businesses, and set boundaries so they can create careers (and lives) they actually love. 

oh hey!

Let’s make work work for you!

The Persistent Provider

Persistent Provider is a clinician who refuses to settle for burnout, imbalance, or a career dictated by someone else’s terms. They are relentless in their pursuit of better—better work-life balance, better compensation, better boundaries, and better fulfillment in medicine.

They persist by:
✅ Negotiating for the pay and schedule they deserve.
✅ Working smarter—not harder—through part-time work, business ventures, or side income.
✅ Setting firm boundaries to protect their time and energy.
✅ Redefining success on their own terms.

who I serve...

A Persistent Provider doesn’t settle—they create a sustainable, fulfilling career in medicine.

© The Bingaman Co, LLC 2025
