If you’ve been just scraping by with money, with creating margin and choices in your life, with budgeting and talking to your spouse about money, this post and this episode is for you! I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with my new financial bestie, Amy Scott.
Amy is a Certified Financial Coach who teaches couples how to get on the same page about money – and why it’s so important. She is passionate about helping couples to live life with less conflict and more space to focus on what really matters to them. Amy has worked with hundreds of couples to reduce financial stress and disagreements, allowing them to pursue dreams that had previously gone unfulfilled. On this episode of Fulfilled – The Podcast Amy and I are chatting all about that nagging feeling that you could be doing more with your money, creating more space and options for your family, how to declutter your finances and implement systems that work for you, all while making your marriage stronger. It’s a tall order and Amy is the woman for the job!
Amy has been working for couples for years and realized this disconnect between the dreams that married folks have for their lives and the way they were showing up in the day-to-day to make these dreams become a reality. As a Certified Financial Planner, Amy felt limited by her abilities to coach couples through the implementation of systems to create choices in their life, money, and to makes those dreams come true. Amy Scott Coaching was born from that necessity to dig into the relationships, the conversations, the day-to-day running of households and helping people to do things like retire early, travel the world, send children to college and so many more huge shifts in their lives!
She’s been called the Marie Kondo of Financial Coaching because she cuts through all the clutter, simplifies systems, and teaches couples to spend time on what matters moneywise and makes the biggest difference in their lives. If you’ve been feeling like you’re doing “just OK” with your money, but you aren’t happy with where you are, how much money you have saved, invested, and how many choices you have for the future.
Disorganized finances, just getting by with finances, gets in the way of us being able to pursue these bigger dreams.
– Amy Scott, Couples Financial Coach
To those with the nagging feeling that you “could be doing better” with your money, getting these systems in place can help you to have more choices with your life. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does buy choices. We all want more choices in your life. If you are looking to learn how to create systems to have more understanding, more control, better communication around money in your marriage, check out Episode 59 on Fulfilled – The Podcast with Amy & I!