How to Grow Your Style Sense & Your Confidence with Fashion Blogger Audrey Tom

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Tracy Bingaman

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I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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You’re listening to Episode 029 of Fulfilled – The Podcast. Today we are chatting with fashion blogger Audrey Tom. You may know Audrey from her incredible blog Putting Me Together or her comprehensive style course Simply Put Together. Audrey has a prolific Instagram following and is forever sharing great deals, outfit formulas, style guides, outfit prompts and so much more!

Audrey shares her heart and her mission: to help women feel confident and to feel vibrant and authentic in their own skin. She loves seeing her followers fine tune their style so they can step out in style and in confidence when they are acquiring new fashion skills.

If you’re just starting out on your fashion journey – and YES fashion is a journey – an ever-changing journey that ebbs and flows with seasons of life there are three steps that Audrey recommends at the beginning of your journey to help fine-tune your style:

  • Define your WHY and your WHAT. It’s important that we are taking care of ourselves and taking pride in how we feel, even if we are at home hanging out with our friends and family. It’s not about serving style for the sake of what’s trending, popular or what everyone else is wearing. It’s about defining WHY style and your fashion journey is important to you. It’s also about figuring out WHAT you do in your clothing and making sure it fits your lifestyle and the activities you are engaging in on a daily basis.
  • Find someone you can learn from! Find a blogger, an influencer, a friend, someone on Pinterest that you enjoy their outfits and pull from these people for inspiration.
  • Copy that person… or Find a Guide, Step-by-Step Instructions for a streamlined approach.

Audrey shares how Outfit Guides are like a recipe. The Outfit Guides show you the ingredients to wear – specific types of pieces – and the way to combine these pieces for a kick butt outfit!

Putting Me Together serves as one of my favorite fashion encyclopedia – it’s searchable and you’ll often find me Googling “Putting Me Together – Date Night Outfits” or “Putting Me Together – Olive Jeans” or “Putting Me Together – Jeans with Ankle Boots”. What pops up are dozens of photos and in depth articles and blog posts that Audrey has shared over the years on how to wear and put together.

We dive into when to buy quality items and when to go budget as you are just introducing things into your wardrobe. Audrey shares her journey on buying investment items for her closet vs. cheating towards the cheaper end of the spectrum. Trying new things is important on your style journey. Audrey shares her mindset shift – trying new things was an investment in the experience as opposed to investing in the clothing itself. She encourages us to try new things on, even just at home, to stretch ourselves and test the waters of new styles.

Alignment is so important. Fashion should be an extension of who you are and serve your life how you want it to. Getting clear on your values and then living into alignment with those values are so important in this journey.

Simply Put Together is a comprehensive style course where Audrey walks you through her 3-Part Framework that is the foundation for developing your own unique style. The 3-Part Framework is outlined here:

  • Find the Right Pieces. Pieces that fit your lifestyle and that also fit and flatter your body. Find your Style Personality and your Style Type. If you are just copying other people, you aren’t developing your own unique style that feels like you! Identify and dress your body shape!
  • Putting Pieces Together. How to assemble the pieces that fit your lifestyle, your fashion profile and your body in a way that works for you and that you love.
  • Finishing Touches. Small details that you add on to outfits that make a huge difference to elevate your outfit. Audrey compares these to putting the bow on top of the present!

As a Simply Put Together graduate I can attest that it’s the most comprehensive guide to style I’ve ever encountered. It’s for anyone who wants their style to make sense! It’s for someone who is sick of walking into their closet and thinking “I don’t have anything to wear!” It is for the woman who wants to understand the WHY and the HOW behind fashion and how to make it work for their life! Simply Put Together is incredibly empowering and there were so many light bulb moments where I’d say “Ahhh, YES!”

If you’re interested in learning more about Simply Put Together, Audrey is sharing a Free Masterclass that teaches 6 common mistakes women make relative to fashion and 3 keys to fix them – use this Link to Register!







I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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