Finding Healing and Purpose After Burnout

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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How many of us have experienced burnout? What about burnout more than once? What do we do when we’re in the throes of burnout? How do we get out of it? Can we actually be cured?

Today on the podcast, I have Hope Cook, a dermatology Physician Assistant/Associate (PA) and life coach who focuses on healing from burnout. She walks us through the three stages of burnout and what to do to move past burnout so you can experience healing and peace. 

Tune in to The PA Is In to learn how to identify your emotions and what they are really trying to tell you. Hope provides a framework anyone can implement to identify burnout in your life and find ways to heal from burnout so that you can live a life in alignment with what you truly value.

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Hope is a dermatology PA who has curated a life of purpose working 1-2 days per week in the dermatology office, running her life coaching business, hosting her own podcast, and writing her first book! Hope lives with her husband and two children. As a certified life coach, she specializes in helping burned-out healthcare professionals find healing and purpose.

On Episode 265 of The PA Is In, Hope shares her own experiences with burnout as well as how to recognize when you’re in burnout. Most importantly, Hope discusses how to heal from burnout and take steps to create a life of peace and purpose. She also specifically speaks to working moms on how to deal with the “mom guilt” that so many of us face.

Two Career Burnouts

Hope experienced burnout twice in her career. The first time Hope was burned out, she didn’t know what was happening. She felt like she should be more appreciative and that something was wrong with her. She blamed everyone else – her boss, medical assistant, kids, husband. 

Hope felt disempowered and didn’t think she had any agency or control over what happened. But then she showed up for herself and gave herself what she needed the day she quit.

The second time Hope experienced burnout, it was very unexpected. She loved her job, boss, patients, pay, but still felt like she didn’t want to be doing this. She spent time discerning what to do and realized it was internal factors, not external factors causing this burnout. 

Hope decided to take a break from working in medicine and began to pursue working as a life coach. Her boss offered Hope to stay 1-2 days per week, so she is still able to work as dermatology PA. 

Taking Control

When you’re burned out, life will present you with evidence to support what you need to do next. After first admitting she was burned out, Hope realized she had to identify what she did have control over in her job. 

She realized she couldn’t change her boss or other people, so she knew she had to leave. 

It’s important to open yourself up to possibility. Instead of creating limiting beliefs, you need to have an open mindset. Can you work at a new office? Can you commute longer? Can you change specialties? 

Hope knew she had a choice and could be in the driver’s seat of her life. So she took control and made the changes she needed. 

Three Phases of Burnout

Hope uses the acronym CPR to explain the phases of burnout. 

C – Cocoon or contemplation phase 

P – Planning and preparation

R – Resign or revive

In the first phase, you are in survival mode and keep yourself safe in a “cocoon.” Your sympathetic nervous system has kicked in and you can’t activate any creative “what if” ideas. During this phase, you need to focus in inner work. Ask yourself what you need in this moment, what you want, and identify what your body is trying to tell you. 

In the second phase, you start seeing glimmers of hope and possibility. You know you’ve made it to this phase when you can start daydreaming and asking yourself “what if.” In this phase, you also start planning. Think about who you can talk to (HR, your boss, a financial planner) and what are your various options moving forward. 

In the third phase, you make your choice. Either stay and craft your job to make it what you need or leave. 

Working Mom Guilt

Working moms in particular have a very difficult time identifying their own needs. They focus on meeting the needs of their kids and families, but often never meet their own needs. 

Hope reminds moms that they are choosing to work. Ask yourself why work is important to you. You likely value showing up as a PA and value caring for patients. 

Resentment will poison your energy to those around you, so awareness is very important. You need to check in with yourself and recognize how you are feeling and what you need in the moment. 

Ask yourself what your values are. Are you aligning with your values? If yes, then let go of that guilt.

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Other Posts and Videos You’ll Love

Episode 250: From Burnout to Thriving: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube

Episode 231: How to Extinguish the Fire of Burnout: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube

Episode 197: The Antidote to Healthcare Burnout: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube

Episode 188: How to Heal from Burnout and Find Balance: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube | Read the blog

Episode 142: Heal from Healthcare Burnout: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube | Read the blog

Episode 144: The Step by Step Guide to Discovering Your Core Values: Listen to the podcast | Watch on YouTube | Read the blog

Episode 81: Working Mom Life, Stress, and Decoding the Source of Your Burnout: Listen to the podcast | Read the blog

I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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