10 Things I Did to Slash My Screen Time by 40%

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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Pssst, technology, I think we need a break… it’s not me, it’s you. If you’re feeling like you need to breakup with your smartphone, need some space from social media, or simply want to be in control of your relationship with technology, read on! Welcome to Episode 022 of Fulfilled – The Podcast. Today we are diving into just how much technology is affecting us and how to shift the power dynamic so your tech is serving you and you aren’t a slave to your smartphone notifications any more. I’m sharing the 10 things I did to decrease my personal screen time by over 40%!

I share simple and tactical tips and tricks to stop that dopamine surge that happens every time you clear a notification, reply to a text message, or score a coveted “like” on social media! Have you ever considered a no screens in the bedroom rule? What about a family charging station in the kitchen? How about screen free time as an individual and a family? What if you turned your phone OFF before bed and didn’t turn it on in the morning until your morning routine was finished?

How about disabling notifications and deleting applications? Some of the tips are simple like removing applications that are a huge distraction, time suck, and that aren’t serving you. Some of them are harder, like re-training your brain and practicing being present in the moment with those around you instead of those on the other side of a device.

There are tips on how to set up Do Not Disturb times and use your phone’s powers for good instead of evil. Set yourself some boundaries and then use the tech to help enforce them! You can utilize the Screen Time feature to see how you are doing – not to become as obsessed with NOT using your phone as you currently are with using it – but rather to have a measurable objective metric to see how it’s going.

Join me in this quest to detox from our screen addiction, enjoy your life and take back control! Tag me with your screen time wins, your charging stations, or your good nights sleep after you were phone-free before bed: @mrstracybingaman and @fulfilledpodcast!

Technology isn’t the enemy – but addiction to and dependency on our devices isn’t enriching our lives in any way! I hope this Episode serves as a reminder to take back control in the relationship you have with your devices!




I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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