
Clinician Income Lab

The most comprehensive program for how to earn more money while working clinically.

This program is a step-by-step approach that will help you to understand the value you add to your practice, stand out as exceptional, add massive value to your patients, and create a situation where a raise is imminent, all while creating boundaries, working less, and earning more. 

I'm ready. Let's do this!

Before I tell you *all* about this incredible course, let’s make sure you’re a good fit.

You are right for Clinician Income Lab if you are dying to make more money while practicing clinically, but you aren't willing to burn out working harder than you work now. Let's face it, you are already working hard enough, but you are also so ready to be paid what you are worth for the work you are already doing clinically.

Clinician Income Lab is right for you if you want to build a life that allows you to LOVE Sundays again because you aren’t dreading going to work where you are underpaid and under appreciated by administration. So that you can work when you want, in fact work less hours but earn more money next year than you earned this year. 

If you are…

A seasoned provider who’s reached a very real ceiling that knows you need a strategy to smash the crap out of that ceiling and actually be compensated for your years of experience and the value you add to your patients and practice. 

A newly graduated clinician who is already planning an exit strategy that has departed from the assumption that you will work and work and work, turn 65 and finally be able to enjoy life and is fully aware that increasing your income now is crucial to financial independence. 

A provider who has realized your value. One that understands your worth but has realized that their administrative partners, collaborating physicians and colleagues don’t “get it” and therefore you aren’t being paid what you are worth.

Someone who has been in the trenches with less than ideal results to show for it, and you’re looking to level up your approach to scaling your income, dial in your success with pitching for more pay, better hours, and increased support. 

You’re in the right place!

The Clinician Income Lab will give you the specific tools, inspiration, mindset shifts and a level of unparalleled support from Tracy and her team to be able to craft a creative compensation plan and pitch that plan to improve your life, decrease your hours, and add a few more zeros to the end of your paycheck. 

Nailed Down Your Ideal Compensation Model based on what you already know about your role in your practice (so you can stop stalling over what you are going to ask for and start focusing on creating and executing the plan to land that raise)

By the end of this program you will have...

A Solid Understanding of Your Numbers before sending a single email or requesting a meeting with your boss to make sure you understand the value you add, in black and white, to the practice all while giving yourself a confidence boost

Developed a Robust Negotiation Tool Kit that you’ve learned in negotiation 101 skills lab, a set of tools that you can leverage at any moment to negotiate for that creative compensation plan you’ve developed

Developed the Confidence You Need to conquer the difficult conversations that make bridging the gap between how you see your value and how your administrative team sees what you do for the group

Expertly Crafted Your Creative Compensation Plan even if you’re totally terrified to ask for more money, better hours, an improved template and more clinical and clerical support on your team, or haven’t ever considered anything other than dollars as compensation

Crafted a Step-by-Step Plan and implementation strategy to make sure your negotiation skills are put to good use and those skills turn into zeros in your bank account 

I'm ready, Sign me up!

What everyone is saying...

We've never done a masterclass *exactly* like this before, but here's the feedback on our podcast The pa is in!

Tracy is a trusted Clinician career and negotiation coach, Educator and podcaster. Here's what people are saying about her teaching...

I'm ready, Sign me up!

I'm ready, Sign me up!

What everyone is saying...

We've never done a masterclass *exactly* like this before, but here's the feedback on our podcast
The pa is in!

We've never done a Course *exactly* like this before, but here's the feedback on our podcast The pa is in!

I'm ready, Sign me up!

Here's The Deal: Clinician Income Lab
Changes Lives (& Paychecks)
& It's Open For Enrollment


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What's inside of

Clinician Income Lab



Plan - Key Decisions

Here's why it pays to learn from someone who's gone before you -- I know exactly where most providers get tripped up in this process of landing a raise. In this module, we're going to answer the most important questions that could stop you from continuing on if you don't do them *first* on this journey.  

We'll set you up for success right from the beginning by getting some of the biggest decisions out of the way to help you to achieve TOTAL clarity about what you need to do and HOW you are going to do it when the time comes. 

Work at establishing the foundation for income growth by making key decisions on personal why, income goals, timelines, and the best paths to pursue.

Module 1 Highlights:

Get your most critical decisions done so you can move forward clearly and confidently.

Clearly define your destination so this journey is actually taking you somewhere that you want to go. 

Dream the big dream to motivate you to continue taking action towards that paycheck you're really proud of.

Map out the logistics
 of the WHO, WHAT, and WHERE of this conversation you need to have to land your raise. 

Remember your worth and why you absolutely, positively, without a shadow of a doubt, deserve to be earning more! 



Earn More for the Work You Do

Now for the fun part – clarifying how much and in what way you want to get paid. Of course there’s the monetary aspect, but we will also consider the non-monetary compensation you can land as a part of this process. 

You’ll work to develop a unique and creative compensation plan of what works for you and your family during this season of life and your career. 

Without a vision, you don’t know where you’re going and Module 2 is all about clearly defining your destination - the goal - the ideal outcome of your negotiation. 

You’ll set your GPS for success and chart a course towards more time, more money and more satisfaction at work as you create a list of YESs and NOs - things you want and things you don’t want going forward. 

Module 2 Highlights:

Complete the Creative Compensation Plan Worksheet

Identify your money asks and non-money asks alongside your ‘No Go’ list of things that you aren’t willing to do, accept, or deal with going forward. 

Conversely create a ‘Yes, Please’ list of all the dream paychecks, perks and positives that you could imagine being paid for the work that you do. 



Earning More (Bonus Format)

Time to implement these skills and put it all together in practice in Module 3 - how to actually earn the bonus where when you work more, you earn more. 

Walk through the step-by-step Provider Pay Script, set up the conversation, learn how to prepare and what to practice in advance.

Special focus on overcoming objections that might crop up as a part of the discussion and how to prepare so they don’t take you by surprise. 

Module 3 Highlights:

Learn how to implement the Provider Pay Script from beginning to end.

Feel confident throughout the entire process: from setting up the conversation to how to set the stage when you sit down at the meeting.

Combine your negotiation skills with your goals to form a battle plan that is tested and true. 



Earning More Elsewhere

Sometimes your primary employer isn't amenable to paying you what you are worth. Or you're in a season where more work and a PRN position will boost your income.

Time to search for income earning opportunities elsewhere. Here's where to look, how to land a PRN job, and even how to work remotely leveraging your primary clinical skills from your couch!

In Module 4 you'll learn how to diversify your income sources, open doors, think outside the box, and learn how increasing your income can be flexible.

Module 4 Highlights:

Learn how to increase your attractiveness for PRN positions from online to in person networking.

Feel confident in your ability to land those positions, maximize your time and income. 

Optimize your assets so you're ready when positions present themselves.



Email for Earning

It’s key to craft exceptional email negotiation skills. A great deal of earning more money is being able to follow up on your in person negotiation and enact an implementation plan.  

From strategies for effective communication and persistence in negotiation, never again feel like you don't know what to say in follow up, how to summarize the discussion, and how to pleasantly insist that action is taken.

BONUS 1 Highlights:

Steal the power phrases that your emails have been missing. 

Utilize strategies and formulas for formatting your email. You can be both strategic and grateful in your negotiation communications!



  Negotiation Skills Lab

It’s time to learn the negotiation skills you didn’t learn in School. In Bonus Mudle we dive into the most straightforward and effective strategies to employ when you step up the table to negotiate. 

From calibrated questions, to the power of intentional silence, you’ll learn to look for the “zebras” in any negotiation, discover your counterparts' motivations and feel confidence in your bones instead of nerves in the pit of your stomach for negotiations from now on.

BONUS 2 Highlights:

Understand the power of mirroring, how 3-5 words can increase your counterparts' sympathy, understanding and willingness to work with you.

Master the skill of getting that “No” out of the way early in the discussion.

Learn to get to “that’s right” and move forward from the agreement and level playing field it represents

Understand how to diagnose zebras - what they are and where to find them - and how to use them to get your ideal outcome in any negotiation. 



 Know Your Numbers 

Whether you realize it or not, there’s a number floating above your head - it’s what your employer is willing to pay you per hour - for the value that you add to the practice. 

Knowing your numbers, whether RVUs, revenue, or patient volumes, is a crucial piece of proving your worth to your practice administrator.

You’ll learn how to combine that raw data with the power of storytelling to share the incredible value you add to the department and help your admin team to see it, too. 

BONUS 3 Highlights:

Understanding the number above your head, how to know what it is, increase it, and make it more clear to those around you.

Grasp the power of data, your volumes, the tasks and other duties assigned that you do for the good of the order, and how to leverage those to turn tasks into dollars. 

Master the power of storytelling to help your admin team see the incredible value you add to the group. 

Here's The Deal: Clinician Income Lab
Changes Lives (& Paychecks)
& It's Open For Enrollment


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Most Valuable Provider Worksheet

Underestimating your value as a provider? Doubting that you or your admin team truly understand the significant impact you're having on patient care and the bottom line? 

Before you can make a case to the admin team about your value, you have to first understand and appreciate it yourself. The Most Valuable Provider Worksheet will help you to do just that!

A series of exercises to help you to remember the exceptional value you provide to both your patients and the practice you work for. 

These Bonuses To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (& Keep It Up) All The Way Through Landing Your Raise


$399 value



Pitch with Confidence: How to Overcome Your Nerves Before Any Negotiation

A PDF jam packed with tips, tricks and rituals to shake those pre-negotiation jitters off once and for all.

Confidence is the antidote to nerves, and this guide will bolster your confidence in advance of any difficult conversation you will encounter. 

What You'll Get:

Downloadable PDF filled with strategies and tips to help you feel calm and prepared leading into your next negotiation.

A pre-negotiation routine to start performing to help you feel strong, centered and focused before stepping up to the plate during your next difficult conversation. 

The reminder of your WHY -- the reason that you are bothering to negotiate at all -- and how to incorporate that into your pre-negotiation ritual.

$199 value



How to Turn Your Performance Review into a
Raise-Generating Meeting Each Year 

Your formal performance eval, the one that your manager reviews with you each year where they tell you what a great job you are doing and then hand you a meager 1-2% "cost-of-living" raise that isn't based on merit at all? Let's make those a thing of the past.

Learn how to prepare for and leverage your positive performance eval and instead of "thank you", walk away with more dollars in your paycheck. 

What You'll Get:

Downloadable PDF of tips on how to gather your pre-review data, feedback from colleagues and stories from patients to serve as proof of your value add. 

The exact phrases to use, questions to ask and negotiation skills (remember those ones from Module 4?) to use as a part of the performance review.

Specific objection overcoming skills to use if your manager cries budget or shares that they simply don't have enough money to give you that significant merit increase you deserve. 

$299 value



The Clinician Income Lab Community

No provider left behind! That's the promise I'm making to you inside the private Clinician Income Lab Facebook group. 

Our private, enrolled Clinician Income Lab members-only Facebook group will be an active, engaged community full of supportive PA go-getters who are on the same journey as you are. That means you'll get unstuck in a matter of minutes instead of days, weeks or even years if you were to go on this journey alone. Along with Tracy & her team, and your clinician income lab peers in your corner, you'll go from feeling isolated and alone to being inspired and existing in community with other providers headed for a great big raise, too! 

What You'll Get:

5 weeks of live Q&A sessions to make sure you get your questions answered and continue moving forward with clarity and confidence. 

An active, highly supportive PA-filled Facebook community with fellow PA Pay Academy students, support from Tracy & her team, all working together to make sure you get unstuck as soon as possible. 

Overcome isolation and constantly refill your cup with motivation by connecting with other PAs who get it -- who are also on a quest to earn more money and are here to help you do the same. 

This Community To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum (& Keep It Up) All The Way Through Landing Your Raise


$299 value

Here's The Deal: Clinician Income Lab
Changes Lives (& Paychecks)
& It's Open For Enrollment


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If this was years ago, before I figured out this formula for negotiation, and it was me considering whether to invest  in the process to increase my income as a PA -- my scrolling would have led me directly to this section -- checking to see "what if it doesn't work for me?"

I get you! 

& I've got you.

You're not afraid to invest in your income earning potential as a clinician as long as it's a wise investment... with plenty of ROI to show for it (the sooner, the better, am I right?)

So here's why you can place your confidence in a money-back guarantee and set any of those nerves you have about signing up aside. 

By the end of 14 days, you'll have received access to the first two modules of the Clinician Income Lab. 

Meaning that you'll have had the opportunity to determine your 6 key decisions and begin to craft your approach for negotiation in your current position. 

If you, at that point, don't feel totally confident and motivated by your plan to negotiate effectively (and your ability to execute it like the professional you are) simply reach out, show us that you've put in the work, and we'll refund your investment. 

Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

Here's The Deal: Clinician Income Lab
Changes Lives (& Paychecks)
& It's Open For Enrollment


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You want to be compensated well for all the hard work you are doing -- the revenue-generating and non-revenue generating work. You are providing great value to your practice. They are making money off of you, shouldn't you see some of that profit in your paycheck?

Healthcare is a multi trillion dollar industry - that's Trillion with a capital T - it's time to start investing some of those dollars into the providers who are providing the care! 

If you're thinking "this sounds incredible but I'm still not 100% sure" keep reading...

You're not afraid of putting in the work and learning new skills. 

Just like all the things you learned in PA School, negotiation is a skill. Unfortunately it's not one you learned in training. That's where the PA Pay Academy comes in!

In fact, putting in the work to learn, hone and master those new skills doesn't scare you, it excites you! You appreciate that this barrier to success also serves as your competitive advantage over your colleagues who are unwilling to put in the time and effort. 

You recognize there is no "perfect time" to pitch yourself for a raise, and waiting longer isn't the answer. 

That doesn't mean that you don't feel a little palm sweat when you go to click that BUY button. But it does mean that you realize that today could be the first day on your journey to actually gain some skills to create a change in your paycheck. 

You should give the PA Pay Academy a 14-day risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following: 

Here's The Deal: Clinician Income Lab
Changes Lives (& Paychecks)
& It's Open For Enrollment


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I get it! If you are going to commit you are going to commit *all the way* and with that, you expect the red carpet, the extra accountability and a level above... 


Enjoy the added benefits of a personalized 1-on-1 mock negotiation and a 1-on-1 feedback meeting where you have the opportunity to get your jitters out, practice your pitch and receive real-time feedback from the Clinician Compensation Negotiation Expert herself. 

The VIP EXPERIENCE will only be offered to a limited number of students, so if you're considering it, be sure to sign up now. 

Looking for an extra layer of accountability and access to Tracy?