Burnout to Balance with Caitlin Long, PA-C & CEO of Team Lifelong Wellness

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Tracy Bingaman

I'm Tracy 

I'm a PA who burned out, big time, and now I teach PAs to negotiate effectively because every PA deserves a paycheck they are proud of and to feel valued at work. I love leopard print, skiing, and my morning routine. My mission? To help PAs stop feeling overworked, underpaid and overwhelmed and start feeling valued and earning what they deserve.

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Caitlin Long is an incredibly skilled critical care PA-C, a CEO of her company, Team Lifelong Wellness, a wife, momma, yogi and PhD Candidate. Despite all of those hats and degrees and endeavors she is pursuing, Cait carved out time, when 33-weeks pregnant with her baby boy, to share her wisdom all about walking through burnout and into balance in your life. Learn more about Cait, her mission, vision, goals, team, products and more here.


Cait and I both share the experiences that landed us, each on separate occasions, in the ER with tachycardia (extremely elevated heart rate), autoimmune diseases, and more. This is the extreme burnout that we want to help you avoid and if you’re there, this is definitely an episode you want to tune in to for tips to recover from that burnout.


When you feel this pervasive sense of 1. EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION, 2. DECREASED SENSE OF PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT, & 3. DEPERSONALIZATION of the work you are doing. When you are feeling like you don’t have energy, boundaries, you feel trapped, and you dread going to work, these are yellow flags to take a look at your job. It’s an opportunity to get clear on what matters most to you in this life. 


Doing “The Work” to gain clarity on what matters most to you is a key part of this journey to balance and wellness, whether you are walking out of work burnout in medicine or burnout in motherhood. Getting clear on your why is truly the key to unlocking a life where you are living in alignment with your mission, vision and core values. Cait shares about that on Episode 58 – Burnout to Balance as a Working Mom, and it’s something I’ve covered before on Episode 16 – 3 Steps to Clarify Your Core Values and made a free resource – The Quick Start Guide to Clarify Your Core Values that you can download here.


Remember to give yourself grace, create time to enjoy and grow in this process of learning and growing alongside your humans. Cait and I are open books when it comes to walking through burnout, what we did to create balance and reclaim our health and sanity in the process. You can peep the entire interview here.

I'm Tracy Bingaman

It's so nice to meet you... I’m a PA Mom life coach, self-care promoter, curly haired achiever, mom and dog mom, and a margarita drinking badass.

I burned out working as a PA... BIG TIME. I quit my job, doubled my hourly income earned, work half as much and learned to build a life around the things that I value instead of a schedule set by someone else and now I get to share all that I've learned with you. 

oh hey!

Now I teach PAs to do the same.

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